

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages



Academic Affairs Section



image 職   稱:  教務組長
image 姓   名:  蕭淳方
image E-mail:  cassy@mail.wzu.edu.tw
image 分   機:  3111
image 職   掌:
1.進修部招生及宣導事務。Promotion and enrollment
2.綜理註冊、課務相關事宜。Registration and curriculums
3.教務相關法規之擬定與修正。Establishment and revision of related regulations
4.進修部行事曆之擬定。Planning of academic calendar
5.教師授課時數及超支鐘點之核算。Calculation of teaching hours and overtime pay
6.教室及教學場所之編排。Arrangement for classrooms and teaching locations
7.推動進修部轉型為網路大學相關事宜。Facilitation of transforming the Div. into an e-university
8.召開進修部部務會議及網路大學相關會議。Hold internal meetings
image 職   稱:  組員
image 姓   名:  劉怡君
image E-mail:  94181@mail.wzu.edu.tw
image 分   機:  3112


image 職   掌:



Collaborative registration with Dept. of English at 2-year College, Dept. of Japanese at 4-year College and Dept. of International Business Admin (in Div. of Continuing Education).

1.新生、轉學生入學事宜。Admission and transfer
3.辦理學生休、復學、退學作業。Temporary suspension, resumption, and dropout of schooling
4.學籍資料建檔與管理。Archive and management of students data
5.辦理學生(校友)更改基本資料作業及各項學籍文件之申請。Basic information amendment for students (alumni) and various applications for documents
6.辦理學生科目學分免修與抵免作業。Credits waiver and transference
7.處理學生學期及歷年成績。Records of transcript
8.核發及補發學生證。Issuance and re-issuance of student ID cards
9.核發各類證明書。Issuance of certificates
10.核發畢業證書及遺失補發與更改姓名等。Issuance and re-issuance of diplomas or name change
11.辦理校內轉申請及校外轉學考試。Transfer of school system on/off campus
12.承辦二技招生事宜。Enrollment of 2-year College students



image 職   稱:  組員
image 姓   名:  黃純慧
image E-mail:  young@mail.wzu.edu.tw
image 分   機:  3113

image 職   掌:



Collaborative registration with Dept. of English at 4-year College, Dept. of French at 4-year College, Dept. of German at 4-year College and Dept. of Spanish (in Div. of Continuing Education).

1.新生、轉學生入學事宜。Admission and transfer
3.辦理學生休、復學、退學作業。Temporary suspension, resumption, and dropout of schooling
4.學籍資料建檔與管理。Archive and management of students data
5.辦理學生(校友)更改基本資料作業及各項學籍文件之申請。Basic information amendment for students (alumni) and various applications for documents
6.辦理學生科目學分免修與抵免作業。Credits waiver and transference
7.處理學生學期及歷年成績。Records of transcript
8.核發及補發學生證。Issuance and re-issuance of student ID cards
9.核發各類證明書。Issuance of certificates
10.核發畢業證書及遺失補發與更改姓名等。Issuance and re-issuance of diplomas or name change
11.輔系及雙主修之申請。Application of minor selection and double majors
12.承辦四技招生事宜。Enrollment of 4-year College students
image 職   稱:  組員
image 姓   名:  陳妍妏
image E-mail:


image 分   機:  3114



image 職   掌:

1.進修部電子公文登記桌。E-official documents registration
2.辦理選課作業(初選、加退選)Course selection (initial, additional and withdrawal selection )
3.辦理重修、補修、跨部選修作業。Course selection (restudy, makeup and cross-register)
4.辦理轉學生、復學生及修讀輔系、雙主修學生選課作業。Course selection (transfer, resumption, minor selection or double majors)
5.辦理暑期重補修(暑修)登記作業。Registration for summer study (makeup course)
6.辦理網路學園作業。Online campus operation
7.辦理棄修申請作業。Withdrawal application
8.協助辦理教師請假、補課及調課通知作業。Operation of leave-taking, makeup course and class reschedule
9.協助有關部務文書、部務會議之資料處理及記錄Preparation for correspondence, meeting documents and minutes



image 職   稱:  組員
image 姓   名:  許家耀
image E-mail:  96026@mail.wzu.edu.tw
image 分   機:  3115

image 職   掌:


承辦網路大學相關事宜 E-university

1.遠距教材製作進度追縱。Teaching materials production schedule follow-up for distance learning
2.辦理遠距教學說明會。Presentation for distance learning
3.規劃及推動進修部行政業務雲端化。Planning and promotion of admin in the Cloud
4.各系遠距推動小組聯繫。Collaborate with each dept. in regard to distance learning
5.承辦本校遠距教學推動小組會議。Hold meetings of Distance Learning Promotion Committee
6.遠距課程上線前壓力測試。Loading test before implementing e-courses
7.遠距課程所需相關設備管理。Facility management of e-courses
8.遠距課程教學品質管控事宜。Teaching quality control of e-courses
9.規劃網路大學招生宣傳事宜。Planning, promotion and enrollment of e-university students



image 職   稱:  組員
image 姓   名:  呂孟倫
image E-mail: 99875@gap.wzu.edu.tw
image 分   機:  3116

image 職   掌:


承辦網路大學相關事宜 E-university

1.遠距教材製作進度追縱。Teaching materials production schedule follow-up for distance learning
2.辦理遠距教學說明會。Presentation for distance learning
3.規劃及推動進修部行政業務雲端化。Planning and promotion of admin in the Cloud
4.各系遠距推動小組聯繫。Collaborate with each dept. in regard to distance learning
5.承辦本校遠距教學推動小組會議。Hold meetings of Distance Learning Promotion Committee
6.遠距課程上線前壓力測試。Loading test before implementing e-courses
7.遠距課程所需相關設備管理。Facility management of e-courses
8.遠距課程教學品質管控事宜。Teaching quality control of e-courses
9.規劃網路大學招生宣傳事宜。Planning, promotion and enrollment of e-university students









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